College Grass


Construction Method and Process Flow of Artificial Turf Football Field are Introduced(1)

Editor:xinxu    2022.01.05

Construction method and procedure flow of artificial turf football field

1) Check and accept foundation works: remove sundries in the foundation. If there is any unevenness, it should be repaired and leveled in time. To ensure the cleanliness of the environment and the quality of construction, the laying site must be clean.

2)Measurement and lofting:

1: Perform measurement and lofting according to the design plan.

2: Use theodolite or other precision measuring instruments to measure whether the surrounding facilities conform to the size of the playground. If there is any inappropriate place should be immediately modified, tolerance of 5 mm.

3: The lawn according to the original factory specifications tiled on the ground, between the sod to lap 3~8 mm.

4: Lap the lawn with a lawn cutter cut level. Joints shall not be greater than 3 mm.

5: The cutting area is covered with lap cloth, and the glue applicator is used to brush the adhesive on the joint surface, and the joint is combined and struck firmly after drying.

3)Description of sod bonding construction technology

1: The bottom surface of the turf and interface cloth to be bonded shall be clean, and the surface shall be dry without moisture.

2: The ambient temperature should be selected above 5℃ for construction, and should not be constructed in rain and mildew weather, otherwise it will lead to too long bonding time or even cause non-sticking phenomenon.

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