College Grass


Does Artificial Turf Have Static Electricity?

Editor:xinxu    2021.12.24

Artificial turf is made of polyethylene or polypropylene, both of which have electrical insulation, but why does it generate static electricity? In fact, the better the insulation of the material, the more likely it is to generate static electricity.

First of all, we have to know how static electricity is generated, any two objects of different materials can be separated after contact, static electricity can be generated, and the universal method of static electricity generation is friction.

Because friction between objects will generate static electricity, the current generated by people and the lawn is blocked and isolated by the artificial lawn with electrical insulation, so it can not flow into the earth normally. Then, the negative current will attach around the grass silk. Once it encounters the friction that can produce positive electricity, friction electricity will occur.

Electrostatic generation

1. There are transformers near the construction site and high voltage lines above;

2. The site itself does not take effective grounding protection measures or the protection measures are not qualified;

3. the construction sequence is wrong (correct sequence: first grounding facilities, and then paving the lawn)

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