College Grass


How is Artificial Turf Being Used in The Landscape & Recreation Market?

Editor:xinxu    2021.11.08

Thousands of homes, businesses, golf courses, municipalities, parks and tourist attractions have turned to artificial grass to provide a lush, attractive landscape solution that requires minimal resources and maintenance while saving millions of gallons of water each year. It is also a smart way to beautify public spaces such as highway medians and airport landing strips that would otherwise be difficult and expensive to maintain. Artificial grass reduces city maintenance costs, freeing tax dollars for other purposes.

Artificial turf also promotes greater utilization of land, as you can do more with the same space surface than with natural grass. Rooftops once deemed unusable for high rises and residential buildings can now feature inviting green area. Hotels that had to restrict the use of lawns for parties and events can now schedule as many functions as they can book.

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