College Grass


Why Artificial Turf Become Popular?

Editor:xinxu    2021.11.08

Artificial grass turf is a smart solution for playing fields and landscape that have become unsafe and unsightly from overuse or severe climatic conditions. A grass field simply cannot remain lush and resilient if it is used more than three to four days a week, or in the rain, or during the months when grass doesn’t grow. This fact, coupled with an escalating need for durable fields that accommodate multiple sports teams and activities, the high cost of maintaining a grass sports field, and the need to conserve water, have prompted a rising number of schools and parks to turn to synthetic turf to meet their program needs. Today’s artificial grass turf is designed to simulate the experience of practicing and playing on the best grass fields.

Demand has grown to the point for schools, colleges, parks and professional sports stadiums. Artificial grass turf for landscape, golf and other recreation applications is the fastest growing segment of the synthetic turf market. 

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